Friday, January 28, 2011

Return of The Tide

Hard to believe it has been over a year since posting, truth be told it has all been a bit of a blur. Progress on the machinations of this writer have been in full swing (did you ever doubt I would cease to feed this mania of mine) and some milestones have been reached. After finishing the first draft of the upcoming title "Sea Wolfe" the hunt was on for a creative talent to help bring the visual wonder to life. I would like to tell you it was a journey that took me to the seedy back alleys of strange and distant lands for mad men who draw images of things from the other side of the veil...but the truth is less thrilling than that. The grind of everyday life and the reality of a never ending wave of bills kept the leash tight and 9-5 ruled the land of my imagination with an iron fist....or so it seemed. I managed to finish two more drafts of the first issue before finding a golden opportunity to attend the annual APE convention back in October of 2010 (alternative press expo held in San Francisco every year. Great place for independent comic creators to meet, greet and share their wares) It was there that I was fortunate enough to meet an incredibly talented artist who's work took my breath away. I KNEW that I had to work with her. Her work captures an ethereal fairy tale quality that would give the story it's much needed visual weight, but at the same time remain true to the dream like soul of the piece. Her name....Tanna Tucker. Be sure to check out some of her work....I do not doubt that we will be seeing big things from this dynamic visionary. So the next chapter begins. I may have been gone for awhile, but just like the tide....I'll always return. Stay tuned!


Unknown said...

Great to hear that you're back at it! It was great meeting you at APE, and I look forward to checking out your projects!

Katrina said...

Mark I love the way you write! I wish I had this kind of writing creativity! Good luck on your project! It's gonna be awesome like your writing!