Saturday, October 29, 2011
Autumn Leaves
As the seasons have changed from Summer to Fall, the winds of change have rolled through October and seen a flurry of activity. At the start of the month I found myself attending APE 2011, meeting with various indie creators and fans. A great place for individuals of the art form and the event where I met Tanna Tucker, the incredibly talented artist who is working on Sea Wulfe, a little over a year ago. Inspiration, some much sought after words of advice, and great reading material were secured as I had found my creative and mental stores drained and the event served to replenish my reserves. The month also saw a new team member come on board. Mr. Terrence Montgomery who will be acting as project manager. He will bring to the project a much needed level headed and business sense that will help to temper the artistic side of things. A conference call with Phil Hampton of The Comic Academy ensured that the project is focused and that as a team we are on the right track to reaching our creative as well as business goals. Khalid Birdsong, creator of the webcomic Fried Chicken and Sushi provided insight by agreeing to an interview (which will soon run on and sharing his work. Most importantly the month found me immersed in the writing process and connecting with the characters of this vast world that is springing up from the point of my pen. One of these being the character of Cat, the heroine of our story. It fascinates me how this character (inspired by a real person) can capture the strength, beauty, and possibility of an actual person yet continues to evolve into her own independent entity. The fifth draft of Sea Wulfe issue one grows stronger because of this renewed connection with the characters of this world. As Tanna works on issue #0 and I prepare myself to being writing the script for issue #2, the new year will see some creative milestones reached. Among them: the full launch of the website, release of issue #0 online, fund raising efforts on kickstarter, and (with a little luck) a presence at Wondercon 2011 in Anaheim, CA (this year). So, the leaves of Autumn signal a month of transition and promise exciting things yet to come.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Just add water and watch it grow...
It is early, Saturday morning and I sit here listening to the "International Creators Panel" at DigiCon and the endeavors that these artist face to see their ideas into being. Somehow I draw some measure of comfort in hearing that I am not delusional in my perception of how much work goes into getting a book off the ground. One of the reasons why the blog suffers from chronic "writer's scatter-shot" (the irregular updating of something that should be done on a consistent basis). Since the last update, much progress has been made. Plans to shoot the kickstarter fund raising video have begun to gel (will occur in the upcoming week), the prologue script (and some initial thumbnail sketches) are complete, a temporary webpage for the site has been put in place as well as a FB fan page, and lastly the incomparable John V McCauley, composer extraordinaire, has created an epic musical theme for Sea Wulfe called "Prelude To Adventure" (stay tuned to hear this awesome piece for our title) Is it moving as quickly as I would like....well, on some days the answer would be "no", but it is moving. So, it is a lot like one of those spongy dinosaur knick knacks that kids get out of gumball machines. You know, the ones that are small and insignificant until you add water and then they grow...swell to a size that boggles the mind. The team that I have begun to pull together continue to pour copious amounts of water on our spongy project, given time we shall see how big this beast can get.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
Recently I've had acquaintances ask me about a technical aspect of writing a script for a comic. They wanted to know how it was different than a screenplay. One of the greatest is the amount of detail that goes into the composition. Also format is another (although there are some variations on the layout of how some scripts for comics are presented). For those who are curious, you'll find the first page of one of the early drafts of the prologue posted below. Although there are many similarities, there are also many more differences. With the screenplay, often you want to keep description to the bare minimum, keep from giving too much direction (after all that is the directors job)....and focus on dialog and character. With the comic script, you have to provide enough detail that the artist can create what it is you see in your minds eye (or provide sufficient that they can improve upon your original vision to create something even better than what you imagined). In this medium, you play not only the writer, but the director as well. For me it is another dimension to telling the full story that is going on in my head. The whole process is a lot like learning how to walk again as I attempt to learn the balance of not too much and not enough. In the end the ultimate hope being is that it will not only look and sound like a "duck" but will BE an authentic piece of well crafted work. So for those who'd like to take a read, enjoy the first scripted page of "Sea Wulfe prologue"
Sea Wulfe, Prolouge 1.
Writer:Mark Turner
Penciler: Tanna Tucker
PAGE1, Panel 1.
Cinematic panel, extreme close up. A pair of intense weary eyes stare,the brows knit while beads of perspiration dot the forehead.
“Prophet, Shaman, Psychic, Nut Job....Freak.”
“They call me lots of things, because I see stuff sometimes....okay, all the time, really.”
PAGE1, Panel 2.
Cinematic panel. Mid shot. A young sickly boy [ETHAN, 7] sits on a bed with his knees drawn up. A sketch pad rests on his legs as he draws. His tongue sticks out the corner of his mouth as he frowns with fierce concentration.
“I see things and then draw them...”
PAGE1, Panel 3.
Cinematic panel. Close up of sketch pad. Ethan’s hand hovers over a detailed black and white drawing of a fearsome Minotaur, a “bull ring” in it’s nose. It’s arm raised over it’s head with what appears to be a meat cleaver, a trail of gore flies from the blade that reflects light.
“And quite often they are full of blood and terror.”
Sea Wulfe, Prolouge 1.
Writer:Mark Turner
Penciler: Tanna Tucker
PAGE1, Panel 4.
Cinematic panel. Mid shot. The previous panel , in color as if it were real. The Minotaur, meat cleaver high over it’s head, we can now see better what it is doing. The Minotaur dressed in a butchers smock holds a chicken that it is butchering on a cutting block.Various meats hang around it in what appears to be a meat “stand” at an outdoor market.
“I don’t really share the pictures because this place I draw scares people.”
Sea Wulfe, Prolouge 1.
Writer:Mark Turner
Penciler: Tanna Tucker
PAGE1, Panel 1.
Cinematic panel, extreme close up. A pair of intense weary eyes stare,the brows knit while beads of perspiration dot the forehead.
“Prophet, Shaman, Psychic, Nut Job....Freak.”
“They call me lots of things, because I see stuff sometimes....okay, all the time, really.”
PAGE1, Panel 2.
Cinematic panel. Mid shot. A young sickly boy [ETHAN, 7] sits on a bed with his knees drawn up. A sketch pad rests on his legs as he draws. His tongue sticks out the corner of his mouth as he frowns with fierce concentration.
“I see things and then draw them...”
PAGE1, Panel 3.
Cinematic panel. Close up of sketch pad. Ethan’s hand hovers over a detailed black and white drawing of a fearsome Minotaur, a “bull ring” in it’s nose. It’s arm raised over it’s head with what appears to be a meat cleaver, a trail of gore flies from the blade that reflects light.
“And quite often they are full of blood and terror.”
Sea Wulfe, Prolouge 1.
Writer:Mark Turner
Penciler: Tanna Tucker
PAGE1, Panel 4.
Cinematic panel. Mid shot. The previous panel , in color as if it were real. The Minotaur, meat cleaver high over it’s head, we can now see better what it is doing. The Minotaur dressed in a butchers smock holds a chicken that it is butchering on a cutting block.Various meats hang around it in what appears to be a meat “stand” at an outdoor market.
“I don’t really share the pictures because this place I draw scares people.”
Monday, June 20, 2011
Just a taste

The past few weeks have managed to provide some personal challenges that left me in a space of using the emotional energy for a creative purpose. The third draft of the prologue has been completed and Tanna has once again managed to amaze me with her understanding of what I am looking for in panel. Two pages worth of rough page layouts has me curious to see what the revisions I have written will inspire in her. Here is a taste of what you might see in the prelude to our epic adventure. Until the next episode, "be excellent to one another" after all, we are all we've got!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Every little step
The sun is slowly burning through a light layer of fog here in the Bay Area as I start another morning. It feels a lot like the process of creating this project. Fingers of light punching through the veil that keeps me from reaching the other side of seeing this project into reality. As Tanna Tucker works on initial sketches, I've just finished the second draft of the series prelude which will be posted on our website once we go live. Finding the other stories that lie in the nooks and crannies of this overall arc is fascinating and shows me just how much things like this possess a life of their own on some level. We just have to slow down sometimes to hear what they have to say outside of the dialog we are holding with it. It is in those moments of silence that they sometimes initiate a totally different conversation.
From a wider perspective, thoughts turn towards the process of raising funding, promotion, distribution, getting the word out that the fog is soon to burn away and reveal the full magnificence of the sun that shines on the other side. Keep your eyes peeled and ears open, things are getting ready to kick into high gear! Every little step takes this project closer to being. Stay tuned....
From a wider perspective, thoughts turn towards the process of raising funding, promotion, distribution, getting the word out that the fog is soon to burn away and reveal the full magnificence of the sun that shines on the other side. Keep your eyes peeled and ears open, things are getting ready to kick into high gear! Every little step takes this project closer to being. Stay tuned....
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
You've got mail...

My trembling hand carefully maneuvered the mouse while my eye jumped a steady staccato beat that would have made a killer bass line if it were a club remix. I clicked on the attachment linked to the email and waited. For one brief moment I felt like a modern day Dr. Frankenstein, holding his breath, waiting to witness the first stirrings of life from his creation. Then it blossomed across the monitor screen. It felt as if I were dreaming. Words, phrases, descriptions that had spilled from the tip of my pen created a verbal picture with such clarity that an artist of talent was able to place flesh upon my imagined bones. Tanna had captured what I had seen in my minds eye sailing the silvered seas of my smokey fever dreams. These were the first rough sketches of the characters of "Sea Wulfe". They returned my gaze with a clarity and confidence that seemed to whisper to me "and so we meet at last...". If this is just a taste of what is to come....I cannot wait to see what comes into being when the kid gloves come off. And with that, I share with you some of the early images from our upcoming title "Sea Wulfe" enjoy!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Over here on this end of the pond things have really picked up steam as Ms. Tucker has gotten the first five pages of the newest draft of the script and has begun character sketches. The hope is to have something ready to hand out at Wonder Con 2011. The date is fast approaching and I am excited by the prospect that we may actually have some material to share with fans. What really has me feeling like a kid on Christmas morn' is waiting to see what Tanna comes up with in her breakdowns. One of my favorite characters is Pus, the familiar/pet fly of Sea Wulfe's main baddie The Salamander King. The concept came to me one day as I sat at a cafe looking out the window, letting myself drift in search of inspiration for the book. A fly happened to land on the window outside and caught my attention. Jacked up on caffeine and poppy seed cake, I began to wonder what would a parrot sized fly look like. I know people who can't stand the sight of a magnified image of a fly let along what they would do if they happened to walk into a room where there might be a small dog sized insect buzzing around the room. Between the sensation of my skin crawling at the thought of it and my mind racing with the possibilities of a twisted creation (those who know me personally are more than likely not surprised) I made a few notes. Now I wait to see what happens when a true artist gets their hands on an idea and runs with it.
Once the work is is done, we would love to have a site up with art and links to blogs and news about developments. As we draw closer to Con and Tanna works on the art, this will be a project that will occupy the corners of my mind not already cluttered with nightmarish insects, werewolf pirates and sword wielding maidens. Ahhhh, I love this job! Stay tuned....
Once the work is is done, we would love to have a site up with art and links to blogs and news about developments. As we draw closer to Con and Tanna works on the art, this will be a project that will occupy the corners of my mind not already cluttered with nightmarish insects, werewolf pirates and sword wielding maidens. Ahhhh, I love this job! Stay tuned....
Friday, March 4, 2011
Long Eyed....
it's a term my grandmother used to use when I was a kid, insinuating that my aspirations for more far outstripped my capacity. Usually it was used in reference to when I might happen to spy the size of the slice of chocolate cake that occupied my uncles plate on the special occasion when my grandmother would make it. I thought I could eat a piece just as big as his, if not bigger. Often, if I was lucky and foolish enough to attempt to match his feats of gastric daring do....I would pay for it with a stomach ache and smile on my face that said "sometimes biting off more than you can chew hurts so good". Well, as the years have passed, I've learned that the term can apply to so much more than what is on one's plate. In this instance...the creation of a comic book. Right now I am starting the 4th draft of the script while my artist (Tanna Tucker) braces herself for what I am sure will be a penciler's nightmare (or idea of heaven on Earth if you are into that twisted kind of punishment). The scope of what is happening is something I often push to the back of my mind as I try to focus on the hurdle immediately in front of me. But, as I look up and down the road....I sometimes catch my breath and hear my grandmother saying "there he goes again being long eyed". This project will only still be at the start of the overall picture once it is penciled, inked, colored and printed. After that comes the marketing and distribution...figuring out how to increase the profile of what I think is a really great story. To do this, it all takes money (I once heard a very successful business man say "it takes money to make money") and so another dimension is added to the mix. Looking at various streams of fund raising (crowd sourcing will play a major role), possible investors as well as good old fashioned sweating to earn a paycheck will all play into putting the "chocolate cake" on the plate (so to speak) so that it can all happen. Yes, I may be long eyed, but I am looking forward to that feeling of "hurts so good" when it all comes together.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Return of The Tide
Hard to believe it has been over a year since posting, truth be told it has all been a bit of a blur. Progress on the machinations of this writer have been in full swing (did you ever doubt I would cease to feed this mania of mine) and some milestones have been reached. After finishing the first draft of the upcoming title "Sea Wolfe" the hunt was on for a creative talent to help bring the visual wonder to life. I would like to tell you it was a journey that took me to the seedy back alleys of strange and distant lands for mad men who draw images of things from the other side of the veil...but the truth is less thrilling than that. The grind of everyday life and the reality of a never ending wave of bills kept the leash tight and 9-5 ruled the land of my imagination with an iron fist....or so it seemed. I managed to finish two more drafts of the first issue before finding a golden opportunity to attend the annual APE convention back in October of 2010 (alternative press expo held in San Francisco every year. Great place for independent comic creators to meet, greet and share their wares) It was there that I was fortunate enough to meet an incredibly talented artist who's work took my breath away. I KNEW that I had to work with her. Her work captures an ethereal fairy tale quality that would give the story it's much needed visual weight, but at the same time remain true to the dream like soul of the piece. Her name....Tanna Tucker. Be sure to check out some of her work....I do not doubt that we will be seeing big things from this dynamic visionary. So the next chapter begins. I may have been gone for awhile, but just like the tide....I'll always return. Stay tuned!
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