My trembling hand carefully maneuvered the mouse while my eye jumped a steady staccato beat that would have made a killer bass line if it were a club remix. I clicked on the attachment linked to the email and waited. For one brief moment I felt like a modern day Dr. Frankenstein, holding his breath, waiting to witness the first stirrings of life from his creation. Then it blossomed across the monitor screen. It felt as if I were dreaming. Words, phrases, descriptions that had spilled from the tip of my pen created a verbal picture with such clarity that an artist of talent was able to place flesh upon my imagined bones. Tanna had captured what I had seen in my minds eye sailing the silvered seas of my smokey fever dreams. These were the first rough sketches of the characters of "Sea Wulfe". They returned my gaze with a clarity and confidence that seemed to whisper to me "and so we meet at last...". If this is just a taste of what is to come....I cannot wait to see what comes into being when the kid gloves come off. And with that, I share with you some of the early images from our upcoming title "Sea Wulfe" enjoy!