So the gears of the machine grind slowly sometimes, but at least they are still moving....well,that is what I tell myself at this point. For the past month I've been existing on a steady diet of graphic novels (right now I am reading JINX by Brian Michael Bendis...I really like his use of natural dialog. Something that I am aspiring to achieve), visual references (photos, painting, and moments in film), researching the art form of manga (a form of Japanese story telling) and personal reflection as this project moves forward. Right now, the overall story has been fleshed out. The first two issues have been outlined (the first having a page by page breakdown of what needs to happen). And the actual writing of the first pages of the book has begun. At this time, the goal is to have the first issue script completed by the end of February (if I maintain my current output level, I should be able to met the deadline with a few days to spare) One of the greatest challenges is putting so much of oneself on the page. It means exposing yourself...sharing with the world that side of yourself that sometimes may not even be accepted by individuals, let alone the masses that may read your work. Intimidating, yes, but refreshing as it gives me an opportunity to look at where I really stand and feel about life in general.
What is the story about you may ask...well, you already have the title (see the heading for this post). What images does it conjure for you? (I'd love to hear some of the impressions that it may leave). As far as the plot and premise....those will be revealed later. Suffice to say, that the project is a fantasy piece. An adult fairy tale to some degree. This is where the personal reflection comes in. I am a believer in fairy tales, magic and happily ever after...well, in most cases. I may not be a participant in these miraculous unfoldings of wonder that I see around me, but I have been honored to bear witness to these moments in time that bring about instances of "wow". This work, this labor of personal expression is an effort to comment on things that prevent us individuals from really being in touch with this "thing" that happens all around us, even when the world seems to be filled with so much darkness and despair. The story beings with the assertion: "In the beginning there was darkness. And when the gift of light was given, some remained in darkness...for they forgot to open their eyes"
Let's see how many eyes can be opened.
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